Monday, 18 March 2013

My Third Week with ICT and Pedagogy

Good day everyone!

Wow, this is the third week of blogging already. Getting more familiar with the tabs, functions and how to operate the blog already. But I would say, there is so much more to learn. I have not learn how to insert a header picture yet. I should learn that SOON to make my blog look more attractive.

After attending the third class of ICT and Pedagogy, I get a better idea in my assignment requirements now. I used to be so worried and did so much research about the ICT tool. Not that I am not worried now, but I felt so much better when my lecturer explained to us further about our assignment 1.

Did a lot of readings from the study desk provided by our course examiner, David Jones. Still struggling to get my my ticks though. If you are wondering what tick I am talking about, look at the picture below. (=

The black colour box at the right side shown the tick box. We are required to get all the small boxes tick. How to get all the ticks? We are suppose to complete all the task given be it readings, forums or creating a social network.

The picture above is my third week task, I have only completed three out of four ticks. One task more to complete all the task given for week three.

Can not wait to learn more about ICT. There is so much to learn and I found out so much exciting stuff about ICT.

Will blog more soon! (=

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